Mayor Councillor Compensation Revealed

Mayor, Councillor Compensation Revealed

Transparency in Municipal Governance

WEB - In a move towards greater transparency, the City of Mississauga has released annual salary and expense reports for the Mayor and City Councillors from the past seven years. These reports provide insights into the financial compensation received by elected officials.

Mayor Bonnie Crombie's Earnings

WEB - Last year, Mayor Bonnie Crombie earned a salary of $146,198 in addition to $31,219 in benefits. This marks a slight increase from her previous year's compensation.

Councillor Compensation

WEB - The highest-paid Councillor was Karen Ras, who earned a total of $125,463, including salary and benefits. All Councillors received benefits in accordance with the Members of Council Remuneration By-law 05-11.


WEB - The release of these salary and expense reports is a testament to the City of Mississauga's commitment to open and accountable governance. By providing this information to the public, the City demonstrates its willingness to be transparent about the financial compensation received by its elected officials.

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