Annoying Cruise Habits That Drive Fellow Passengers Nuts

Annoying Cruise Habits That Drive Fellow Passengers Nuts

Delaying e-muster

Cruise passengers hate it when fellow cruisers delay doing their e-muster.

According to a recent Facebook survey, one of the most annoying things fellow cruisers can do is delay doing their e-muster drill. E-muster is an electronic drill that all cruise passengers are required to complete before the ship sails. The drill is designed to familiarize passengers with the ship's safety procedures and to ensure that they know where to go in the event of an emergency.

When passengers delay doing their e-muster, it can hold up the entire ship's departure. It can also be frustrating for other passengers who are trying to enjoy their vacation.

If you're going on a cruise, be sure to do your e-muster drill as soon as possible. It's a simple and quick way to help ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow passengers.

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